The driving force behind the creation and development of KidZania is Mexican entrepreneur Xavier Lopez Ancona, who opened his first venue in Mexico City back in 1999. The Dubai franchise of KidZania started operating in January of 2010 in Dubai Mall.
The idea behind KidZania is based on the edutainment (education + entertainment) concept. KidZania actually is a downsized replica of a city that comes complete with public buildings, business stores, restaurants, hotels, hospitals, theatres, police & fire stations, gas stations, even airport facilities. Children entering KidZania are encouraged to choose a job of their liking. By performing this job children acquire valuable experience and knowledge on how things work in real life and have fun at the same time.
Kidzania is designed for children from 4 to 16 years old. Children under 120cm in height must be accompanied by an adult. Children over 120cm can be left unattended. Parents can monitor their children through a security bracelet that is mandatory to all children. Kidzania is available for birthday parties and school visits.