Heritage Village

  • Heritage Village

Al Shindagha locality, the historic location of Dubai Ruler's residence, is home to the Heritage Village. The village, created in 1997, is built around an old settlement and is an enjoyable interactive look at Dubai's past. The village includes several types of buildings made of stone and palm fronds, as well as traditional tents. Visitors get to know the various aspects of local life and are introduced to the customs, traditions, professions and craftmanship of the people of Dubai of a, not too long ago, era.

Moreover, visitors witness, first hand, how traditional crafts, such as whistle and jewellery making and blacksmithing, were practiced. There are several stores selling pottery, traditional artifacts, sweets as well as tools and equipment that people used in different aspects of their lives, at that time.

There is a number of restaurants and cafes serving traditional Arabic food. The village also hosts a medical  clinic, where patients are treated by doctors practicing traditional medicine. Visitors can also enjoy folklore singing and dancing performances, during the tourist season between October and March. Another interesting place to visit is the Diving Village. It was created close to Heritage Village and highlights the marine life of Dubai and its traditional professions, such as ship building, fishing and pearl diving.

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